"some people think they like music but have no idea what it's really about. They're kidding themselves. Then there are people who feel strongly about music, but just aren't listening to the right stuff. They're misguided. And then there are people like me."
This quote is from Owen Wilson who is a boy that Annabel goes to school with. He says this after Annabel and her former friend Sophie get into a big fight and Annabel needs a ride home. When they are riding in the car, Owen has all this weird music that she had never heard. He asks her if she like music and she yes says and then he tells her that not everybody really likes music which is where this quote comes in. This quote relates back to the title of the book because they both have something to do with just listening to the music and really understanding if you like music or not. Owen has his own radio show where he plays music that he says most people don't appreciate if they don't really like music. He plays what he thinks is the music that everyone should listen to and what he calls "real" music. This quote really explains what Owen thinks of the music taste of the people who just think that hey like music.
El Fin
15 years ago