I read an article about the climate change and global warming. The cause of global warming has changed from humans only "likely" being the cause of the cause to humans being "very likely" the reason for global warming. The simple word, very, has changed everything in the world of science from bringing them to think that their could be other factors to the main factor now is very likely to be humans. The green house effect is the main reason that scientist are pin-pointing to the rise in temperatures over the years. The green house effect was necesary for the world to work out like it has because in the begining it brought up the temperature to be one that we could survive in and not freeze. Now that the temperature has risen almost three times the average from the 20th century, the green house effect is not doing us as much good as it used too. The effect lets the sun reach us without all of the heat coming to us. The slight change in the scientific world on research of global warming has changed many people outlooks on what is actually causing global warming in our world.
"Global Warming- Science - The New York Times." Times Topics. 3 Feb. 2007. The New York Times. 21 Feb. 2009 .
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