Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The A-List Part 1

The book that I am currently reading is The A-List. This book is about a girl named Anna and her friend, Sam and their lives. Anna is trying to not be so herself, a prep school girl with perfect grades and a practically perfect life. She goes on a trip and meets a guy, Ben who she feels that she can be more adventurous and not so herself with. Anna meets him on the plane and he saves her from sitting next to this really weird guy who she doesn't like. They land in LA and are talking about what they are going to do. Ben invites her to a wedding of a star. When they land, she is ready to go and see her dad who she has not seen for months. When the car comes to pick her up at the airport, her dad isn't in the car, it’s his driver, Django. He explains how her dad had to work and that he couldn't make it but would be at their lunch. Anna goes to lunch and waits for her dad to come and he never shows up, when she gets back to his house she finds him laying in the gazebo drunk and doesn't realize what is going on around him. She is so mad at him and can't wait for the wedding that night; little does she know that the daughter of the star is crushing on him too.

1 comment:

Lauren said...

Hey i think i read this book once it was good this was a great summary of it!