Sunday, November 23, 2008

Girls On Film Part 1

The book that I am reading this week is called Girls On Film by Zoey Dean. This book is about how two girls; Anna Percy and Sam Sharpe have to make a video together for a class they are taking. At the beginning they plan on filming a Hollywood party at Sam's house with no script and just doing it on the spot. When the party falls through because of renovations Sam's stepmom is having done with her house, they decide to go to an exclusive spa where only the rich and famous go to film. Anna also thinks that just making it up on the spot isn't a good idea and they need to make a script to follow. At the part that I am at now, Anna wants to take control of the script while Sam can film and direct. The two of them are arguing over what the script should be like and how they should set up their film.

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